If you spend a lot of time on the water, keep in mind that an accident can occur at any time. In order to protect yourself, wearing the right life jacket is essential. While having inland marine insurance can protect your business if something goes wrong at sea, wearing a life jacket should be a top priority.
Finding the Right Life Jacket
Selecting the Best Life Jacket Sizes
Are Life Jackets Durable?
Is Drowning a Realistic Possibility?
Things to Consider
Look for a life jacket that aligns with your size and weight. Putting the life jacket on can be complicated due to the ties, straps, and buckles. It’s important to fasten the life jacket correctly. Once you have put the life jacket on, be sure to check the fit. Try lifting your arms above your head and then ask someone to grab the arm openings and pull up. Your life jacket should not rise above your chin. Take the life jacket for a test drive to ensure that everything is secure. The life jacket should keep your head above water.
It’s recommended that you find a life jacket that the U.S. Coast Guard approves. Research the life jacket rules in your state. In most states, young children must wear a life jacket while on a boat. Adults should look for a life jacket that aligns with their chest size. Life jackets for children include handles, straps, and head supports. Life jackets are available for pets, but many of them are not approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. Look for a life jacket for your pet that handles lifting and releasing buckles.
Generally, there isn’t a defined expiration date for most life jackets. Performing regular maintenance on your jacket will ensure that it works properly. Remember that the components in inflatable life jackets will eventually expire, so proper maintenance is important.
The U.S. Coast Guard recommends that foam-filled jackets be tested for buoyancy and erosion every year. If you have an inflatable life jacket, look over the manufacturer’s instructions to adhere to their recommended procedures.
Drowning while wearing a life jacket only happens in rare cases. You are in danger if you are wearing a life jacket that is too small. If your ties, belts, or zippers aren’t fastened correctly, the life jacket may come off. Children’s life jackets are designed to prevent this by offering a strap between the legs. If you become submerged in cold water, hypothermia may occur, which can cause you to drown. If you are boating close to waves, you could be at risk of ingesting too much water as a result of the waves. If you are on a canoe or kayak, there’s a chance that you may capsize or hit a rock or branch. If you suffer a serious head injury, that could also cause you to float above the water if your life jacket is loose.
Before you plan your next adventure on the water, be sure to include a full supply of life jackets. Legally, you are required to have a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket for every passenger on your boat party. Research shows that many fatal boating accidents involve people not wearing a life jacket. Even as you research inland marine insurance in Houston, TX, life jackets should be prioritized.
Consult with J. Archer Insurance Group
Wearing a life jacket helps keep you safe on the water and prevents a potential catastrophe. Look over the U.S Coast Guard guidelines to help find the right life jacket for your body type. If you have any questions, the J. Archer Insurance Group team will assist you. Contact us today for a free consultation!