A waiting period usually lasts up to six weeks. This is the amount of time that it takes for the insurance carrier to move through the approval process when someone applies for a life insurance policy. This coverage gap allows the carrier enough time to investigate your application and make sure everything is in order. At the end of the waiting period, your agent will tell you whether or not you were approved for your policy. Here’s what more you need to know about the waiting period.
What Happens During the Waiting Period?
During the waiting period, your policy will not be active. The insurance company you choose to apply to will use this time to review all the documents you have provided and determine your overall risk. Evaluating your background gives them an opportunity to put together a policy that will provide you with the level of coverage your insurance carrier feels comfortable offering you.
Can You Avoid the Waiting Period?
Most insurance carriers offer a temporary insurance policy that will cover you throughout the gap period. The amount of the payout may not be what you applied for. Once the waiting period is over, your primary policy will go into effect as soon as you pay the first premium. Signing the policy will start your coverage.
Understanding the Waiting Period for Insurance Payouts
If you are concerned about having to wait on a policy, you can invest in a temporary policy. You can also look into a no-medical exam policy that will allow you to forego any medical examination that may be required before your application may be approved. You can also ask about an accelerated underwriting policy that speeds up the approval process.
What is the meaning of a waiting period in insurance?
A waiting period is in place so that an insurance carrier can determine their level of risk when you apply for a policy. The waiting period allows them to do their research.
How long does it take for benefits to start?
Most waiting periods last from four to six weeks. Accelerated underwriting options are available that can dramatically shorten the waiting period. The amount of time you wait will depend on the policy you choose.
Why do companies have a waiting period for insurance?
The waiting periods are put in place so that the insurance carrier can go through your medical records and other documents that you provide with your application. Even though waiting periods are in place, you can find ways around them. Companies basically use waiting periods to protect themselves from future financial loss.
Can I get life insurance with no waiting period?
By skipping the medical exam or purchasing temporary coverage, you can get life insurance in a much shorter period of time. Working with your insurance carrier will help you get the coverage you need in a few days instead of weeks. An accelerated underwriting plan will go through the process much faster and will still be able to provide you with the coverage you want.
Get the Best Life Insurance with Minimum Waiting Time at J Archer Insurance Group
When it’s time to buy life insurance, you don’t want to have to worry about a waiting period. Contact the agents at J. Archer Insurance Group to learn more about waiting periods and how you may be able to avoid them. Schedule an appointment today! Waiting periods don’t have to hinder your attempts at getting the life insurance policy you deserve.